Thursday, September 1, 2011

Setting September Goals

I woke up this morning feeling a little refreshed.  Possibly it was because of the sense of a new month and new season.  

As sad as I am to say goodbye to summer, I like the start of every new month, as I see it as a chance to give myself a new set of goals.  

I know many of you do this too, which I think is just grand.  Reevaluating yourself on a consistent basis is what overall wellness is all about.  How is one ever supposed to improve, grow, or become stronger if they have nothing to reach for?  You simply can't say you want to be better at something or change something without setting a specific aim.  

I am a big fan of mini goals.  I think too many people set themselves up for failure by setting their intentions too high.  It's good to be ambitious but keep it realistic. 

With that said, here are my own personal mini goals for the month: 

1. Floss every day- This is something I've been trying to be more conscious about but I want to develop the daily habit. 

2.  Complete a taping of my RPM training- I need to have my finial taping in by November, but they suggest completing a few takes before I send in the final one. I still have a few areas of technique that I need to perfect first. 

3. Drink more water- I usually drink plenty of water but I tend to slack when the weather isn't as warm. I hate being cold and cold water just makes me colder. 

4. Clean/Organize my closet-  I noticed the other day that I've held on to quite a few items of clothing that I have not worn or even looked at in years.  I need to do a serious rundown of the closet and get rid of some unwanted things. 

I may have a few more but they are kind of personal.  It's good to keep some things to yourself just make sure you remind yourself of these goals too. 

1/4 C Kashi Go Lean Crunch, Peach, Blackberries, Peach Chobani, Granola, Almond Butter

 Local peaches are rocking my world right now!!


I am going to cheat a bit because I never did post about quite an epic lunch I had the other day. Besides, today's lunch wasn't all that exciting so you're not missing much.

I had some meeting with a few of my favorite colleagues a few days ago which lead right into a wonderful lunch date.

Meet my handsome dates….



Both of these guys are like brothers to me.  I know I say this a lot but I'm very lucky to work with such great people. 

We went to Devon, an upscale seafood restaurant, and enjoyed quite a feast. 

After debating a thousands things on the menu, I finally went with one of their most popular lunch dishes. 

Lobster Cobb Salad- No bacon, subbed goat cheese for the cheddar and with balsamic on the side

 The lobster was bigger than my appetite.  I didn't quite finish this beauty but I came close.


I tend not to eat two big salads in one day because I wouldn't be the most pleasant person to be around after all off that hard raw digestion, but remember, yesterday's lunch and tonight's dinner were two separate things.

Salad with Zucchini, Avocado, Tomatoes, Broccoli, Veggie Burger, Honey Mustard/Balsamic Dressing (homemade) 

What is one goal that you've set for yourself this month? - You know what mine are, now I want to hear about yours! 
