Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lazy Weekends Are Long Gone

Long are the weekends of laying around with nothing to do.  I'm sure it will subside in a few weeks, but I feel guilty for sitting down when there is so much to do!  I feel like each day, we make so much progress.  I'm definitely looking forward to this week and hoping that all of the final touches will be done and next weekend, we can move in all of our furniture and get our new furniture for the living room. 

I woke up later than normal but realized it wasn't that unusual due to the time change.  After laying in bed for a few minutes, I eventually got up and made my way downstairs to put some breakfast together. 

Eating has to be a little creative.  We have no counter tops or a sink in the kitchen yet, so everything is easy and eaten with disposable ware. 

Natures Path Banana Almond Cereal with Oatmeal Squares and 1/2 Banana Vita Top with Banana and Almond Milk 

Coffee tastes different from a plastic cup but it was still needed. 

After I ate, I changed and headed over to the gym.  I spent 30 min on the treadmill doing some interval work and then took an hour long Body Pump Class.  It was a good total body workout and then I rewarded myself with a hot shower in the gym's locker room.  It worked out well since we still don't have hot water.  The plumber is coming tomorrow to fix this situation but I'll still need to use the gym's facilities tomorrow morning. 

After almost 2 hours at the gym, I made a stop at the store to get some staples for the week.  I'm not sure when I'll actually be able to cook a real meal so I just stuck with essentials like bread, milk, eggs, fruit, and veggies. 

When I got home, I was ready to dig into lunch. 

Ezikel Cinnamon Raisin Muffin with PB and Jam, Carrots and Hummus, Grapes 

We spent the rest of the day doing house work.  Toly moved my treadmill to the basement and put that together which was quite a difficult project.  He also hung some drapes….

Our dining room is a little bold but I love it!  I went with a dark charcoal gray color for the walls and accented them with a deep red from the drapes.  I wasn't sure how it would look all together but it turned out stunning.  You can't really tell from this picture though. 

This is a better idea of the color of the walls and the picture is about the color of the drapes.  They seem to complement each other very well, don't you think? 

It was close to 7:30pm by the time we finished with everything and we decided to open a bottle of wine. 

Since we are such classy people, we popped a bottle of $2 Buck Chuck, Trader Joe's Chardonnay and toasted with big plastic cups. 

For dinner, I heated up the leftover Thai.  

Back to work tomorrow!!  For us and for the workers here.  We are really hoping they are able to finish up this week but still, we just have to play it day by day.  We were promised that the plumbers will be here tomorrow after all week of them canceling.  I'm starting to get a little irritated with this company.  They call and say they will be there in the morning, don't show up, and then call later to say they will be there the next day.  Apparently they gave their word they'll be here at 7:30 Monday but obviously, their word hasn't been too trusting so far.  Still holding on to hope that tomorrow is the day! :) 

Hoping everyone had a wonderful weekend! 
