Sunday, March 6, 2011

Calm Before The Storm


This weekend flew by, as I imagined, but the week is going to be jam packed!  We planned to reserve the weekend for packing and tomorrow, we begin the real moving.  The POD arrives in the morning and  we'll slowly start to sort through it.  I really want to show you guys pictures but it's kind of messy right now.  Tomorrow, it's going to be cleaned so I'm hoping to get some good shots for you guys. 

For breakfast this morning, I was going to make something simple but the cold pouring rain but a cozy feeling in my tummy.  Plus, I was hungrier than normal so I figured pancakes would be appropriate. 

Another reason for the pancakes….we had several overripe bananas that needed to be used.  What is one do to?  Make these….

Double Banana Fosters Pancakes 

  • 1 Cup Multigran Pancake Mix (I used Trader Joe's)
  • 1 Overripe Mashed Banana
  • 1/2 Cup Almond Milk
  • 1/2 Cup Water
  • 1 T flax
  • Cinnamon
Banana Fosters Topping:
  • 1 sliced banana
  • Maple Agave
  • Cinnamon
To make the topping, I simple sauteed the sliced banana in a bit of agave and lots of cinnamon.  The banana caramelized in no time and turned into the perfect topping for the pancakes. 

These were super hearty and delicious!  Definitely filled with banana flavor and almost took a similar taste to banana bread.

I made it to Body Pump after breakfast to get some strength training in for the week.  I always forget how killer BP can be when I skip a week.  I thought my arms were going to fall off in the triceps track.

I came home and baked some cookies.  The cookies were made to take to the workers.  They've really been working so hard and long days, it's the least I can do to keep them from going hungry. :)

Before we went to the house, I made lunch for Toly and I.

Vegetable Barley Soup 

Fruit Plate 

After a stop at the house and some errands, we came home and took naps.  Toly and I haven't been sleeping very well lately. Last night, we both woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back asleep.  I think we just have so much on our minds these days. 

I eventually got hungry for dinner and went to work. 

Spinach Crab Omelet 

Toly claimed these to be the best omelet's he's ever had.  I agree, they were pretty phenomenal.

I roasted some brussels sprouts on the side and also made a simple salad with balsamic dressed greens and baby beets.

Toly's omelet didn't have the spinach but tomatoes and he had roasted potatoes. 

Okay, this week is going to be crazy.  Here we go!