Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Unending Week

Why does the week leading up to a 3 day weekend always seem to drag? It’s been pretty mundane, so I guess that is partially to blame; however, it’s quite depressing that we are only half way through; feels like we should be wrapping things up by now.

Aside from my irritation with a long work week, I’ve had no trouble in finding ways to keep myself amused. One of them has been re-organizing my google task list. Does anyone else use this tool? I love it. I am completely guilty of dreaming up infinite desires, to-do’s, wants, and needs, but if I don’t write them down immediately, all will be lost. I have created several Task Lists on igoogle that allows me to document and store all of these lists. Some of them include, Books I Want To Read, Movies I Want To See, Trader Joe Items I Need to Buy, Quotes That I Want to Remember. I love having an outlet to organize and store all of my random thoughts. If you use igoogle and haven’t checked out the task list tool, I highly recommend it. Another great tip in keeping yourself organized and planned.

Speaking of creating things, I’ve also been working on developing a few mini workout circuits. I have been so inspired by Bobbi’s Boot camp series that led to me want to create a few of my own. I think boot camp circuits are the perfect quick workout; however, whenever it comes time to do them, I ALWAYS forget the moves. My mind goes blank. So, in order to fix this, I published my first 20 min Circuit Mini Workout.
And here it is….

Lauren’s 20 min Whole Body Buster Circuit

  • 2 min jumping jacks (warm up)
  • 1 min push ups
  • 2 min jump rope
  • 1 min crunches
  • 2 min high knees
  • 1 min squats with shoulder press (5lb weights)
  • 2 min mountain climbers/burpies (alternating)
  • 1 min bicycles
  • 2 min alternating side kicks
  • 1 min dumbbell row backs (5 pound weights)
  • 2 min shadowboxing (1 min per arm)
  • 1 min of 100’s (Pilates move)
  • 2 min jumping jacks

I did last night and was a sweaty mess once it was over; such a great little body pumping workout. I can’t wait to create more of these!

Okay now on to the cuisine selections of the day….

Breakfast was a tropical treat

½ cup Kashi Crunch soaked in a splash of almond milk ¼ cup of TJ’s Pomegranate Greek yogurt 1 small kiwi (skin and all) ½ of a small mango (diced)A few pieces of juicy pineapple (diced)A pinch of flax and a pinch of chia and a pinch of crumbly peach bread (I am in love with this bread)

Grapefruit slices for measure

This meal was delicious but it didn’t fill me quite like my usual cereal. I think I need more carbs in the morning, especially after running.

I actually had to wait for a later lunch today due to work issues. So as you can imagine, I was a starvin’ marvin’ by 1pm.

But my stellar lunch made up for it….

½ of a veggie sammy (porto, asparagus, sprouts, hummus and laughing cow cheese) Side salad (romaine, cucumber, snap peas, raspberries, blueberries, feta and avocado) Cantaloupe I couldn’t resist the beautiful day, so I consumed out on the picnic table with some enjoyable lunch reads.

And to add a little excitement into this dull week, there was of course Wednesday night BFD!

A Classic BFD menu:

Kashi Blueberry waffle topped with vanilla oikos, diced nectarine and blueberries
Scrambled egg whites with spinach
Soy sausage links

Toly’s plate:
Chocolate chip waffles with strawberries
Scrambled eggs with cheese

Quick, simple, and oooo soo delicious!

Now I need to seek your advice on something. My very first ½ marathon is coming up next weekend and aside from being filled with excitement, I am also a bit terrified. I have been training for this all year, and I know that I am beyond ready, but all you runners out there, you understand those pre-race butterflies. Okay, so I’ve been following a pretty structured training schedule and run around 25-30 miles a week currently, but since next week is the week before the race, should I train differently? I’ve heard that I should decrease my mileage and definitely take off a day or two before the marathon. Does anyone have any advice on how to prepare for the ½ marathon? I would be so grateful for any tips or words of wisdom from you seasoned marathon runners.

Okay loves, I’m calling it a night. Catch you later!


  1. Hi.... a couple of comments about your upcoming half marathon. First of all you definitely want to "taper" the week of... meaning you drastically cut mileage (maybe just lightly jog 2 or so miles 2 - 3 days before the race and the day before NO exercise). Two days or so before the race, you should start making sure you get plenty of calories. I don't "carbo load" per say - just make sure I get a nice balance w/ plenty of nutrient dense foods WITHOUT a lot of fiberous items... meaning while typically I have diet very high in veggies and fruit, I eat virtually no veggies or fruits the two days before a race. Trust me. So I will typically eat nice big turkey subs or sandwiches, peanut butter on bagels, etc. You do not want to put anything in your stomach the morning of that you are not used to, but make sure you get a good dose of calories a couple hours before the race. I usually wake up SUPER early (races usually start at like 7 a.m.) to have b-fast (usually big whole wheat bagel w/ PB) and let it have time to digest. Make sure you are PLENTY hydrated the couple of days before, and have some water the morning of, but try to stop drinking about an hour before the race.
    And also... I don't know if you are a recovered from an eating disorder?? But I have, and I do know it was scary for me during race training because my hunger increased so much. I mean this in a kind way, but some of your meals look very light for someone who is doing lots of mileage. All I'm trying to say is it was scary for me to listen to my body, but I did and I'm just fine. Running does increase your appetite because you are burning so much off... and it's okay to respond to that by allowing a little more when you feel extra hungry. Just a thought :) not a criticism.

  2. Hi Anonoymous (whoever you are),

    I can't thank you enough for this wonderful advice. So helpful and just what I am looking for.

    Oh my goodness, trust me, I eat wayyyy more than I post about. I really only post my main meals or ones I feel that are worth sharing but you are so right. Your hunger increases immensely when you are running 30 miles a week, so I never deprive. There are definite snacks and ALWAYS something sweet to end the day. :)

    Thanks again for your kind words and advice.

    Take care!

  3. I probably should use Google task list. I hand write all my lists and it starts to get a little messy with cross-offs and such.

    Crumbly peach bread?! Where is that from? Or did you make it?

    I agree, I definitely need my carbs in the morning or else it feels like something is missing.

  4. Love the body buster circuit!!

    Before my 1/2 I significantly decreased my mileage the week of(my race was on a Sunday.) I think on the Monday before I ran 5, Tuesday walked, Weds ran 3, Thursday off, Friday ran 2, Saturday off. That totally worked for me!

  5. don't have any marathon advice but great eats, lady!

  6. dude. i have GOT to try peach bread. for real. all your food looks so banginggg. haha, i say starvin marvin too. no running tips, sorry! great strength routine!

  7. Hey girl :) There are some great training plans online- do some searches! Also check out Graduate Meghann and Healthy tipping point- both have fabulous running advice. Ok tropical bfast bowl=amazing and BFD? We haven't had one forever and I need it!

  8. I love your 20 min workout!! Totally into it!!
    I am doing my first half coming up and I am using the Hal Higdon, I like's about 4 runs per week. One sprints and tempo runs...I have noticed an increase in speed already.

    Good luck, keep it up!

  9. Yes yes! This is rest week! That means you rest and stuff your face, fun right?! :D I personally take two days off running before my half because I feel the best then. Runs before that are light, 2-3 miles and that's it.

    I'm not a big pasta person but sometimes I will have pasta the night of. Of course, whole grain and stuff. :D If not pasta, I make sure to eat a lot of whatever I'm eating. A bedtime snack, and oats in the morning. Oats for me is the norm, but do whatever is normal for you. :) You will rock it!

  10. I have no advice, but GL girl!!

    Love BFD, although that acronym makes me think of Big F#cking Deal, lol!

    I spy BACON! Love.

    Oct 3...I will check. ;)
