Thursday, September 10, 2009

So Much To Say

I have so much to tell you all today, so let’s just get started, shall we….

First up, I came home yesterday to a gigantic box on my doorstep. Chobani sent me a case of their Greek Yogurt to sample and review for you all. I am a true fan of Greek Yogurt and fully converted. I swear, I don’t think I could ever go back to the fake or regular yogurt after developing this love for the Greek stuff.

I have never tried the Chobani brand but hear and see so many wonderful things that I became interested in comparing it to my usual brands. The sent me a variety of their flavors; however, the one that I have been most anxious to try is this baby….
After hearing how favorable this flavor is, I was dying to get my hands on some myself.

The nutritional information is pretty similar to most of the other popular brands; however, the one thing I did notice right away about Chaboni, is that the serving size is slightly bigger. (6oz compared to the typical 5.3 oz size that I am use to)

So I incorporated the Pineapple Yogurt into breakfast this morning.

My fruit and yogurt bowl was stunning today….

We have ½ cup of kashi go lean crunch with flax, some nectarine, some kiwi, some strawberries and a few blackberries. The icing (ie yogurt) was delicately mounded in the middle and finished with a sprinkling of chia seeds and unsweetened coconut.

Well I have to admit, after opening the yogurt, I immediately licked the spoon because I just couldn’t wait any longer.

My reaction….oh boy folks, this stuff is everything you said it was. First, I adore the slight findings of pineapple chunks throughout. Second, the yogurt itself is so creamy and thick (just the way yogurt should be). Third, it was the perfect amount of sweetness. Definitely sweet (as I like) but not overly sugary where it bears the line of tasting more dessert-like. It honestly reminded me of a healthy icing, one that I would put on carrot cake particularly. Hmmm, this actually is a brilliant idea! I think I may have to do some experimenting soon.

I enjoyed every decadent bite of this bowl. And for some added finger food, I also had a few grapefruit slices with grapes (mainly because I was trying to make a pretty design on the plate and wanted to fill the hole in the middle).

Sammy must have heard my oooo’s and ahhhh’s while preparing this, because he conveniently found himself a spot at the table in hopes of sneaking a taste.

Don’t worry; I saved him a lick at the end. This little guy is also obsessed with Greek yogurt. I’ve never seem him lick a bowl as clean as he does when one has the remnants of Greek Yogurt.

Okay, so that was the first outstanding meal of the day and now on to the second….

Lunch was remarkable…. I’ve been diggin’ the idea of PB&J lately, but not just any old PB&J….a more grown-up version is what I prefer.

Okay now I have to explain this to you step by step because it was just that good to leave out any details. First, you take a Thomas’s Honey Whole Wheat Double Fiber English Muffin and lightly toast. Then, you spread one half with White Chocolate Wonderful Peanut butter, Raspberry jam and top it with a few juicy peach slices. Next, you take the 2nd half and mix a TBL. Of whipped cottage cheese and 1 TBL of PB2 to make a creamy peanut butter spread. Top with a few apple slices. Then, you drizzle a little honey on the tops of the muffin halves and put back into the warm toaster oven so everything kind of melts just a bit. The honey actually caramelizes on the fruit and it’s just heavenly.

HOLY UNBELIEVEABLE is the only way I can describe it. I love using English muffins because it allows me to have 2 beautiful options, the only problem I have is not knowing what to eat first.
And on the side, carrots and raw zucchini chips with the best dip ever (hummus and salsa). Melon was dessert.

This gourmet PB&J was so satisfying; one of those meals that after you eat it, you are planning the next time you can make it again because it’s just that good.

After work, the hubby and I ventured to the gym for a quickie (no no not that kind of quickie! Such dirty minds. LoL). We did the usual 30 minutes of strength training and lifting and then followed with a brisk mile cool down walk.

Then, the third wonderful meal of the day…. Even though it may have been leftover lasagna from Sunday night, it was still so scrumptious. Some things are just better as leftovers; soup, stews, stir fries, lasagna….

In case you forgot, this was Sunday’s dinner; Noodless Veggie Lasagna with a side salad and vino.

I really think it should be a crime to not eat pasta with red wine. It’s just so natural. And I am lovin' this particular red at the moment. Only thing, Toly doesn't drink red wine, so when I open the bottle, it's up to me to kill it. (Somehow I don't seem to have much of a problem with this task though ;)

My tummy thanks me liberally today for all of the delicacies I’ve provided it with. Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday! It’s going to be girls’ night at the casa because Toly has a poker game so my sister will be coming over to indulge in a good old fashion gals’ bash… can’t wait!

Okay folks, have a lovely evening.


  1. lasagna does taste unbelievable left over. garfield would agree

  2. Isn't the pineapple chobani AMAZING??!!! It is our favorite. I haven't been able to find it in stores near me yet- can't wait until it gets here! Lunch looks FABULOUS and I swear leftover lasagna just gets better and better!

  3. So jealous you got a Chobani shipment!! I have been dying to try the pineapple!

  4. hehe I made sure to get my hands on and try the pineapple chobani before my vegan challenge - it is indeed quite tasty. :)

  5. As munch as I love wine, red wine is indeed my fave! And it's awesome added into the pasta sauce too. :D

  6. Oh my goodness! I don't even know where to begin!! Glad you liked the Chobs - I haven't tried the new flavors yet but Chobani was my first Greek love :)

    Your lunch is perfect! Hummus + salsa? Genius. PBJ? Genius. I wouldn't be able to decide which half to eat either!

    I hope you have a fantastic Friday :)

  7. I love that wine. It's actually the firs one I actualy LOVE

  8. Holy mother of pearl! I love your eats today, and I love the variety you have with your fruits and veggies. I can tell everyone was delicious by the way you described them. It's like.. when you just want to yell at the top of a mountain that you love something.. or SOMEONE!

    Lol your quickie comment made me giggle.

    Moreover, your pasta dish reminded me.. I've been thinking about winter squashes and ricotta, but then I'm too lazy to make my own ravioli and I thought the next big thing would be pasta shells or lasagna. What if I do layers out of polenta for the lasagna? Oh man!! FOOD ADVENTURe/EXPERIMENT COMMENCE. Okay, just thought I'd share. Have a fabulous Friday, love!


  9. im thinking of u on ur half this sunday! i am running mine too (nervous) but I think it will be a blast and Im excited to just get out and do it :)


  10. I LOVE SAMMY!! for real! hahahah great photos. the fruit bowl looks epic. have a fab weekend!!

  11. The pineapple Chobani is awesome! I love your idea for using it as a carrot cake icing. Your grown up pb&j is also very creative :)

  12. Holy unbelievable meals you have there, girl! The fruit spiral was adorable, that english muffin with PB spread, jam and fruit was unreal and that lasagna is making me hungry! I've never tried PB2 but I think I need to change that. Thanks for the review on the Chobani. Have a good night!
