Wednesday, September 9, 2009

High Emotions, Nerves on Overload

Sorry for going MIA yesterday. It was quite an eventful day and I just felt the need to take a break.

Toly’s dad was admitted to the hospital Monday evening due to chest pains. Thankfully, he is okay; however, it’s always unsettling to have a loved one in the ER showing symptoms of a potential heart attack. We are just so glad to know that he is home now and recovering from a scary experience.

Moving on to today, I started my day with a scheduled 5 mile run. I’ve been keeping the training very light this week in comparison to my usual training weeks, and I plan on only doing 2 more miles before my ½ marathon on Sunday. I’ve been doing some cross training with hill walking, ET and Yoga, so the change of pace has been nice.

I’ve been noticing that this week, I’ve been feeling just a bit off. I’m not really sure if it’s due to my emotions and nerves with the upcoming race, but my stomach has been a bit unsettled and I’ve been lacking my normal state of energy. Hopefully, whatever it is, it will be gone by the weekend, because I need to be at my very best.

Aside from feeling slightly uneasy, I’ve continued to nourish myself with a good amount of carbs and protein this week. I feel that I do a good job at getting these nutrients in daily on most days, but this week, I am especially being cautious of including them into most of my meals or just adding a bit more than I normally would.

Lunch was a full balance of just about everything. Salads are ideal for incorporating almost every food group into one single meal and I made sure that this one did just that.

Romaine, cabbage, cucumber, radish, avocado, roasted broccoli and brussel sprouts, BBQ Tofu, and strawberries. Quite delicious and nutritious.

After putting in the hours at the job, a commendable BFD was in order. My girl Katharina, also reminded me that today was in fact Wednesday, just in case I may have been a bit mixed up with the short week. Don't worry girl, I was all over it tonight!

PS- Check out her awesome giveaway here!

On the menu: Egg sammies with home fries

Mine was egg whites mixed with some pesto and Dijon on Cinnamon Raisin bread with spinach, goat cheese and pumpkin butter.

Toly’s was eggs, ham, bacon and muenster cheese on Cinnamon Raisin bread as well.

Here is a shot of these masterpeices being constructed....

And here they are hot off the grill....

The home fries were customized for our liking.

Butternut squash and spinach with red onion for me and Parmesan Potato for Toly…

One may think that the combinations of all of these ingredients would be rather odd for an egg sandwich, but I assure you, it’s fabulous!

Pumpkin butter and goat cheese is a spectacular pairing and I don’t think I could eat my eggs whites without a little Dijon cooked in. The Cinnamon bread was also a lovely accompaniment.; subtly sweet but a perfect contrast for the savory eggs.

And before I sign off, I need to reveal to you all the most likely culpret to my recent tummy troubles....

This may be no Raw Banana Soft Serve, but let me tell you, it's pretty freaking unbeleiveabe. And even though too much dairy upsets my stomach, I just can not seem to stay away from this container. It needs to go away fast!

Oh and this little beauty has made a remarkable entrance in my life...

Now put these two things together, and you can only imagine a sinfully amazing experience. I'm gearing up for this treat tonight and I suggest you do the same.

Alright, I think I need to turn in early tonight. Some extra sleep this week is probably a good idea. See you all tomorrow!


  1. Awww - I'm sorry to hear about your Father-in-law. That's really tough to deal with and I hope everything is ok!! You'll be fine for your race - rest up and take care of yourself!! :D

  2. I am SO glad Toly's dad is ok! I think its more than normal for you to feel a bit off after that scare! If you need to chat- feel free to email me or call me (email me and I will give you my #!!!)

    LOVELY lunch salad- <3 brussels! Brinner! We just watched the scrubs where one of the highlights is brinner

  3. High emotions, nerves on overload explains me lately too!! I'm very glad Toly'd dad is okay!! I completely understand the scare of the ER, especially lately.

    Your sammies look SO SO good ... yum! Ha, and containers like that in my house don't last long :s which is why we don't buy them often! haha.

  4. Oh no! I'm glad your FIL is alright, that's scary to go through :(

    I love your egg sandwiches! I would have NEVER in a million years thought of making them like that - yum! Sweet and savory is the way to go!

  5. I'm here for you if you need extra support!

  6. sorry about the rough times as of late, glad the f.i.l. is ok though. glad you are still eating well despite the nerves and whatnot! that egg sandwich dish looks gourmet!!

  7. Thank goodness your FIL is alright! You had me scared for a hot minute.

    I love savory sammies on cinnamon raisin bread...weird combo but tastes delish. Your dessert pairing is making my cravings come back :) I ate enough banana nutella crepes to feed a small country when I went to Paris. Best combo ever!

    Rest up darlin'!

  8. Been wanting to try this Duetto, thanks for the post! :)

  9. I'm so glad Toly's dad is ok and is home recovering!! What a scary thing to experience.

    I know you're going to do fabulous this weekend. You are an inspiration to me, and I have complete faith in you.

    I know others have said it here, too, but feel free to email and we can set up phone/ fb/ gchat/ whatever else dates. Love you!!!

  10. i'm glad your dad-in-law is okay!!!

    i miss nutella.

  11. Oh, that sandwich is an experiment I totally need to try! Love the idea of the flavor combo there! Hope everything is ok with your father in law. xoxo

  12. Oh gosh, I'm so sorry to hear about T's dad. :( I'm happy everything is okay now though!

    BFD is an amazing tradition that perhaps we need to adopt! :)

  13. I'm so glad that your dad is ok. That is so scary (Ive experienced that a couple times with my own dad).

    I also wanted to wish you goodluck on your race this weekend! I will be away at a wedding so I wanted to be sure that I wished you goodluck. I will be sending you GREAT VIBES!!! =) Rock it!
