Saturday, July 11, 2009

What A Great Race

I am having a fabulous Saturday so far. How about you?

After having to forgo my last 5k race (that I kid myself into thinking I could run the day after my surgery), I was very anxious to get back into the racing atmosphere. My friend Sarah and I signed up for this 5K a few weeks ago, and it really snuck up on me. I was pumped when I look at my google calendar and saw that it was today!

I woke up early to get some warm up workouts in. I started with an easy 20 min. on the ET to get the blood flowing and then some great Pilates stretching.

About an hour later, I was starving! I didn't want to eat too big of a breakfast, knowing that I would be racing shortly, but it didn't start for 2 hours so I knew I needed something substantial to digest.

Breakfast was perfect. A WW english muffin with Naturally More and 1/2 a banana mashed. With some berries, 1/4 C of Okios and a little Zoe's granola. And my usual coffee.

I arrived at City Island around 8:30am and met Sarah in the parking lot. It was a perfect day for running and we were both anxious.

The race was awesome! So much better than the last 5k I did. I started off at a good pace but once I hit the mile mark, I increased my speed and kept a steady pace for mile 2. Once I hit the 2 mile mark, I still felt great, so I decided to pick it up a little more.

Toly surprised me at the 2 1/2 mile mark. I was so happy to see his smiling face cheering me on.

With the finish line in sight, I went all out at the end, sprinting as fast as I could. I finished with a 26:20 time and was very happy!
Once we got home, I refueled with nature's best recovery substance....a beautiful green monster. (This one was 1/2 a banana, 2 cups spinach, frozen cherries, blueberries, 1tbl flax, and 1/c c almond milk) Check out my new portable smoothie thermus. Perfect for on the go, which is what we were as we hit the road for a Saturday full of errands.

A few hours later, my stomach was ready for something, so I pulled out this Pure Bar that I won from Kristin's giveaway.

Loved this bar!!! First of all, I love the saying on the front, "Like a friendly hello you can eat." Pure bars are completely raw, vegan, and certified organic. Oh and they taste great! I shared a few bites with Toly and he admitted that they were pretty good! This boy is turning into a health nut. He even asked for no butter on his Egg McMuffin today at McDonalds!!! Hehe, small steps, but notably trying.
Well, tonight is our BIG dinner date at Bella Mundo. Have I told you guys how excited I am about this place? :) My friend Jen assured me that this is where she had the best meal of her life, and Jen's rating of food and restaurants is right up there with mine. I may be in a food coma to tell you about it tonight, but don't worry, I'll be back later with my review.
Hope you are having a great day lovelies!


  1. Congrats on the race! Love the pics, and great time, too :D The pure bar sounds delicious!

  2. YAY! Congratulations on rocking that race, darling!

    I cannot wait to hear about your dinner...I am sure it was fabulous!

  3. Thanks for running with me!! Can't wait to see you next weekend! Hope your dinner went well- can't wait to hear about it!
