Friday, May 8, 2009

PA Is For Lovers

Yes, it’s true the glorious state of Pennsylvania is filled with many great things. We have an abundance of lush farm land, the unique heritage of the Amish culture, and some of the best Dutch food, such as Chicken and Dumplin’s and fried mush (Jen’s favorite). It’s also the homeland for Hershey’s Chocolate and when you live close to a whole town dedicated to chocolate, it can’t be a bad thing. I really do enjoy living here. I don’t know if this is because I really have nothing to compare it to, but Pennsylvania is home.

Amidst my rant on the fortunes of this state, I do have a question. The other night Toly and I realized that whenever we talk about Pennsylvania or if someone asks where we are from, we usually refer to it as PA. We hardly ever say “ Pennsylvania .” As we thought about it, it dawned on us that most people have no idea what we are talking about when we say PA and no one else really uses the abbreviation when talking about their state. So random question, do you use the two letter abbreviation when talking about where you live or do you actually just say the state?

Okay I just had to get that out because it’s been on my mind for awhile.

Moving along, thank goodness today was Friday. It has been a long week and I am very excited about the weekend.
The plans are pretty low key, but I am sure we won’t find much time to be bored.

Tomorrow morning I am planning a long run. I haven’t done one in awhile because of being away and then having my race last weekend, so I am looking forward to it.
Then its breakfast, clean, garden, bedroom furniture shopping with Toly, Wal-Mart, Wine store, Blockbuster, Pizza and movie date night (at home).

Tonight’s dinner had all the intentions of being a nice light summer meal; however, once again, the clouds rolled late afternoon and it kind of put a damper on the grilling mood. I said “screw it!” I am not letting the rain ruin my attempts to grill yet again.

We had Grilled Chicken Cobb Salads filled with all of the favorites. Tomatoes, cucumber, radish, avocado, egg whites, olives, bacon (for Toly because I dislike bacon), and feta. I used a Honey Dijon Dressing that is yogurt based. Quite good for a bottled dressing.

I also grilled some veggies- Squash and Asparagus drizzled in balsamic and made Toly and Baked tater.

I had exciting plans to make this a patio dinner, but the clouds rained on my parade. L Oh well, maybe tomorrow we will give it another try.

Hope you all had a great week. Anyone have exciting plans for the weekend. Don’t forget, Sunday is Mother’s Day so be sure to honor that wonderful woman in your life and if you are a mom, here’s to you! Happy Mother’s Day!


  1. Haha, that's funny ... I would have no idea what PA would mean. I always say the state name out, but it kinda sounds like more fun to use the abbreviation, maybe I should start ; )

    (Hope that patio dinner works for you tonight : )

  2. Nope, I say Pennsylvania and if people ask for a more specific location then I say, Pittsburgh. Most people who have no familiarity with PA only know two things, Pittsburgh and Philly. And are usually surprised when they find out how far apart they actually are. PA is a big state! :D Sadly, I do not share your PA love, I don't care for PA much.

  3. I'm a native PA-er too, and always say P-A! I never grew up saying Pennsylvania. It's such a long word, lol.

    Aw, I miss that state.

