Monday, February 23, 2009

Did you Know?

Oh Monday! The start of another week and unfortunately it’s a long one.
Even though this is a day late and a dollar short, I didn’t forget about the Sunday Superfood for this week. But before I reveal, I wanted to relay a fun little "Did you Know" tidbit that I came across this morning.

A group of nutrition experts came up with 10 foods not commonly eaten by Americans that are total nutritional powerhouses. They say people may not be familiar with these foods at all. Thankfully, most of these foods commonly frequent my grocery lists each week. How about you?
1. Kiwi
2. Broccoli rabe
3. Brazil nuts
4. Edamame
5. Red lentils
6. Quinoa
7. Canned salmon
8. Prawns
9. Whole grain and multigrain pastas
10. Pomegranate

Okay, and now onto the Superfood of the week. Even though I purchased this last week for the first time, I stocked up on more this week and plan on using it in many different ways. It’s KALE! Even since I tried the Kale chips from KEF, I am hooked. I already made these crispy little delights on the side of my lunch yesterday and have great plans to implement it in more meals throughout the week.
Does anyone have any great ideas or recipes that call for kale? I’d love to hear your ideas.

Dinner tonight was a real recipe keeper and definitely worth sharing. I made Baked Shrimp with Feta based on the recipe by Ellie Krieger from Foodnetwork. With a few slight altercations, this came out fabulous. Here is how I made it...

Baked Shrimp with Feta

  • 1 small onion chopped
  • 1 spoonful of minced garlic
  • 1 can diced tomatoes
  • shot of white wine
  • 1/2 lb. large shrimp (deveined and peeled)
  • a handful of chopped artichoke hearts
  • a few sliced burgundy olives
  • sprinkle of feta cheese

Saute the onion until soft (about 3-4min) and then add the garlic and cook for another minute. Add the tomatoes and a shot of wine and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for about 5 min until the sauce slightly thickens. Remove from heat and add stir in shrimp and artichokes. Sprinkle with sliced olives and feta and place in a 425* oven for about 12 min until cheese melts and shrimp are cooked.

The feta melts into the sauce and creates a creamy, thick, texture over the shrimp. So Delicious!

Well not much else to say today. Maybe tomorrow will be a little more interesting. Good night all!