Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fat(Stuffed) Tuesday

I just made the correlation between Fat Tuesday, Faschnacht Day and Ash Wednesday! I’m sure I probably knew this at one point, but I just had one of those “ah-ha” moments where everything all came together.

Today is Fat Tuesday (being the day before Ash Wednesday or the start of Lent) meaning that this is the day when people can indulge in all the things they vow to sacrifice for lent. I guess that is also why today would be a national holiday celebrating doughnuts! Go figure. One of my coworkers did supply our department with some old fashion faschnachts this morning; however, I graciously passed. (Unless it’s a hot Krispy Kreme, I’m not all that excited by them)

Even though I am not Catholic, I was thinking about the practice of Lent and what I would sacrifice for 40 days. Probably coffee (since I have it every day) and it’s something that I could definitely live without. What about you? What are you giving up or would you give up?

Today moved along as any normal Tuesday would. Tuesdays and Thursdays are also the days when the hubby joins me at the gym after work, so it’s always nice to have the company. (And also someone to turn on the heat in the gym room before I get home so its not freezing in there!)

(****A little addendum- I found another way to incorporate the Super food of the week into my lunch today. I had some roasted carrot soup and mixed in some kale before throwing it in the microwave. The combo of Kale and the creamy carrot soup was awesome!)

In honor of Fat Tuesday, I thought I would adhere to the festivities of the day and make something for dinner that fit. I came up with Fat-Stuffed Potatoes! They turned out wonderfully! Mine was a sweet potato (my absolute favorite) and my stuffing included black beans, diced tomato, cumin, avocado, and a dollop of sour cream. The hubby had a big old Idaho with bacon, ham, cheese, and sour cream. A salad on the side rounded out the meal very nicely and it was a darn good salad! Baby romaine, cucumber, dried cherries, pears, strawberries, toasted pine nuts and a sprinkle of toasted unsweetened coconut.

Toly's massive stuffed spud

Oh my this was soooo good! The flavors were superb!

Time to wrap up the day. Thankfully tomorrow is Wednesday already and I just heard that the temperature is expected to rise throughout the week. It may hit 57* by Thursday…unbelievable!
Good night all!