Saturday night, Toly and I had a date night together. We saw the movie “Taken” which we both loved! After the movie, we headed on over to on of our favorite restaurants, Dukes. It’s a bar/casual dining atmosphere that serves good old pub fare. We have deemed this little spot “our place” mainly because we have been going there for years and it really never disappoints.
The menu is huge and the food is always good.
Sunday morning I was up rather early and decided to set forth on my many tasks of the day. I really enjoy scanning the paper over a cup of coffee first thing Sunday morning while Toly usually sleeps a bit longer. After this, I started on breakfast to which I intended to fill up substantially in preparation for my long weekend run. I try to fit in at least one long run on the weekends since I don’t have the time during the weeks. It works out because I find that I do my best running during this time of day so I can usually go for awhile with no problems.
I set out for new goal-6 miles! (It’s right around my ½ way mark in my marathon training). I am happy to convey that I easily completed this goal in 55 minutes! It felt so good to set out to do something and actually accomplish it and it’s even more gratifying knowing that I am capable of it.
After my run, it was off to the store for the weekly grocery shopping and then home to get everything ready for Sammy’s big party!
Yes, we are one of those families that celebrate their dog’s birthdays. We have been celebrating Sammy’s birthday every year since we got him and yesterday was his 3rd birthday!
Sammy was elated all afternoon. I think he knew something was up because he was even more stimulated than usual (even after his morning bath). I spent the afternoon in the kitchen, making cupcakes and pizza. My family arrived later and the festivities began. We enjoyed some yummy homemade pizza that I created. One was a BBQ chicken, bacon, pineapple and the other was a Mediterranean veggie. My mom brought a nice big salad and my sister supplied us with some great little appetizers of cheese, crackers and fruit. Sammy, of course, got a few samples of everything!
(My pizzas)
After dinner, we watched the little guy open his presents. (He does quite well at opening presents despite his lack of thumbs) Needless to say, he made out well adding new toys to his collection and an array of new treats.
And what Birthday Party would be complete without the tradition of singing and cake? Yes we all sang to Sammy and watched him as he devoured a cupcake faster than we could snap the picture. The little guy was truly pleased and popped when it was all over. He nearly made it to see everyone go and headed straight for bed as soon as it was all said and done. I don’t think I even felt him move one inch last night so he must have been completely exhausted.
We really enjoy making frivolous reasons to get together and have fun and Sammy’s birthday has become an annual tradition for the past 3 years. I’m not sure if it will continue once the grandkids come along, but until then, it’s quite heartwarming to spend time enjoying the simple pleasures in life, like the happiness that having a dog brings.
A great weekend for one lucky little pup!
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