Monday, June 22, 2009

A New Set Of Wheels

There she is folks. Good ol' Purple Roadster. I couldn't believe how good it looked after many years of being in the corner of the shed. After a some serious pumping of the tires, a quick hose down, and few tightened screws, she was ready to go for a test spin. I jumped right on her and rode to Jen's house for a visit. The entire trip was only around 4 miles, but this bike still needs a lot more work before I do any serious riding. I loved riding! I felt like a kid again. I do admit, at first, I felt a little silly, but then I really didn't care because it was awesome- the wind in your face, the smooth ride on the road, and what a work out! I foresee many more bike rides in my future. Now I just need to get Toly to get his over from his parents and we can start riding together.
But let's back up a bit. Before my bike errand, my dad came over for lunch. It's always so nice to see and spend time with him and since he has off on Mondays and I was home, I took the opportunity to invite him for a lunch date.

I introduced him to these.....

The verdict....

He liked it! But I forgot about his allergy to bananas after I already put one in the mix. So he didn't drink much of the Green Monster to avoid swelling up like a balloon. We don't need two puffy chipmunks here. My cheeks are big enough for the both of us!

I put together some tuna salad salads for lunchie. I made my tuna with yogurt, dijon, fresh parsley, artichoke, sundried tomatoes, olives and capers. The salad was simple arugula and romaine with tomatoes and cucumber with a scoop of tuna and my lemon basil hummus. On top I sprinkled some goat cheese and drizzled balsamic.

The table scape...

Each meal is getting easier to eat, but it's still painful to manage threw the chewing. The green monster came in beautifully at the end to cool down my aching gums.

So after lunch and my bike ride, I was pretty exhausted. (I can't not wait to get my energy back, these pain meds have been killing me!)

I took a little nap and then Toly came home. We were both pretty hungry early tonight, so I got to work on dinner.

Another meal that was soft and easy to chew was my priority. I have been CRAVING veggies and saw this recipe for zucchini fritters. I thought I shall give it a go-

For my fritters I mixed shredded zucchini and sweet potatoes with some garlic, dijon, parsley, and panko crumbs. I formed them into patties and cooked them on my electric griddle.

Toly's fritters were more lattkes (I guess they are the same thing). His had potatoes, cheese, parsley.

They turned out quite well. I was a little nervous because they seemed pretty wet when I was forming them, but they held up. (With the exception of one or two falling apart mid filpage)

I dressed a salad with avocado, radish, cabbage and edamame in a maple fig balsamic dressing and put my fritters on top. I made a quick dijon sauce (dijon, greek yogurt) for the fritters.

Roasted veggies- Broccoli, Brussles, and Butternut in some balsamic. They roasted in the oven for about 30 min and were soft and tender enough for me to fully enjoy them without any trouble! Oh it was heaven to eat real vegetables again.

Some pumpkin kasha was also heated up. Love love love my kasha!

Toly's side choices included TJ's baked mac and cheese and edamame. He loves these green peas and I can't understand why, but I will never question! I'll just keep making them for him with gladness that there is another veggie on this earth that he likes! :)

And that about wraps it up for this Monday. Well with the exception of the ice cream that we will be eating rather shortly. Ice cream has become a nightly must for me, it just feels so good to get something cold on my gums before I go to bed.

Back to work tomorrow. It's been a rough little vacay so I am happy to be back into the swing of things.

Hope you all day a good one today!

PS- GO DIRECTLY TO BOBBI'S GIVEAWAY!!! This is too good to be true!


  1. Just stopping by to let you know I have an Amazing Grass Giveaway and a Naturally More PB Giveaway going on hope you can stop by and check em out.

  2. yah for the bike :) glad you are chewing again!

  3. Hey girl--I just discovered your blog and I love it!

    I am excited for your new bike too--I want to buy one some time but need to make some more moola before I do. haha. Too many trips to Earthfare and small shopping sprees for me!


  4. Glad you're getting some good use out of that bike! Good luck getting that lock off!
