Saturday, February 28, 2009

Fueled By Pumpkin Oats

After a nice relaxing evening in, today has been operating on the same pace thus far. This morning was nice and peaceful. No zumba today, so I was feeling some abs with Billy Blanks and a few yoga stretches. After a great ab workout and stretch first thing, I decided to make a spectacular bowl of oats to get me fueled for a nice long run. Toly of course mocked me while I raved over this bowl, but I didn't care, this one was too beautiful not to share.

I call it Plum/Pumpkin Oats including the following....
  • 1/2 cup oats
  • 1/3 cup pumpkin
  • Cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice, vanilla

Toppings: Diced juicy plum, blueberries & blackberries, sprinkle of unsweetened coconut, a few chopped pecans, and a splash of vanilla soy. And then the best part, a spoonful of pumpkin butter swirled in the end. Truly a masterpiece! (I had intended to crumble 1/2 of my Kashi Pumpkin pie bars, these things are awesome, but I completely forgot...oh well I didn't even miss it)My run felt great this morning. I did 6 miles in 55 min and felt wonderful throughout the whole thing. I'm really happy I decided to rest last night because my body was definitely feeling energized and well-rested today.

After my run, and a shower, I did the grocery shopping for the week. I wanted to get this done today since tomorrow we are reserving for full rest and recovery. Tonight (as I mentioned before) will be a very exhausting and late one. It should be great fun but I still can't tell you what we are doing just yet. (Check in tomorrow to get a full recap)

When I got home and put away the groceries, I was starving. Craving something warm and hearty, I contemplated soup but then realized that I had some leftover butternut squash in the veggie bin that didn't fit in the drawer after I unloaded the new supply. I steamed the squash and then threw in some chopped kale at the end. After it was soft, I added some salt, pepper, and paprika and mashed it up. A sprinkle of goat cheese on top and then in a warm oven just to melt the cheese. Wow, this was tasty and just what I was craving. I also roasted some broccoli with a little balsamic and ate alongside. (And of course a little ketchup for the squash mixture because I think I could eat ketchup on just about anything)

(I already ate about 1/3 before I took the picture. Sorry, I was hungry! :)
Time to get ready for the big surprise tonight. I am regretting not taking a nap, but the days just always seem to get away from me and naps are hardly ever possible anymore. Oh well, hopefully I will last!
Talk to you all tomorrow!