Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fajita's Postponed

Since Toly had a poker game this past Friday night, Friday night fajitas got postponed for tonight. I had all the ingredients and knew that I needed to use them up before they went bad so it was just a matter of throwing them all together into a beautiful Mexican creation.

I even surprised Toly by making his with some left over beef strips I had in the freezer (he hardly ever gets red meat but never complains about it because he knows I don't eat it).

I made mine loaded with veggies but of course. Peppers, mushrooms, zucchini, asparagus, and red onion all marinated in a fajita sauce (I can't remember the brand but it's very good and spicy). Heat a skillet so its nice and hot and throw in all the veggies and let them cook down for about 10-15 min. At the end, I threw in some black beans for some added protein.

I wasn't feeling the tortilla tonight and opted to make a big salad instead. Something about mixing everything together and eating this meal with a fork just appealed to me.

As a tasty little side dish, I threw together a corn and cherry tomato salad with feta and avocado. This went brilliant with the dish because I ended up mixing it all together with some salsa on a big plate and enjoyed every single bite.

The best part is the leftovers for tomorrow's lunch. I just love it when you can enjoy a good dish twice!

(Veggies cooking)
(Corn and Tomato Salad with feta)
(His Plate)

(Her plate)

Now it's nearly time for bed and back to work tomorrow. Ugh! This week should be pretty routine for us, which I always love. My parents are coming over mid week for dinner so that will be a nice way to break up our schedule.
Does anyone have any big plans for the week? Hope that whatever you do, it's enjoyable!