Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I'm So Thankful

It’s very difficult to be gloomy when it’s just so perfect outside. Sunshine, low humidity, and white puffy clouds have been taking over the forecast this week and it’s just splendid.

Days like this make me grateful. Not sure if it’s because of the natural endorphins from the sun and warm weather, but I often find myself in a state of appreciation from time to time and when that happens, I think it’s only fitting to share it with the rest of the world.

So, with that, here are 5 things that I am incredibly thankful for today….

1. My Health- This is probably one of the most vital aspects of myself and I am grateful that I have been blessed with a strong body that is able to achieve endurance, stamina, and a powerful physical condition.

2. My Husband- Yes, the love of my life. He is my best friend, my rock, my number one fan. Without him, I would not be the woman I am today.

3. My Job- I do love my job. I work for a great company with some of the most compassionate people. I am so grateful to have a secure occupation that I enjoy.

4. Summer Produce- This time of year is like my Christmas. I thank God for the bounties of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially during these peak months. There is nothing, nothing my friends, like taking a bite out of the sweetest peach on a hot July day or biting into a crisp juicy ear of corn right from the field. Ah, purely amazing!

5. My relationships- I have some of the most meaningful relationships with friends and family. These people have given me more hope and admiration than I could have ever imagined. Because of my friends and family, I know the real meaning of unconditional love.

So what are you thankful for today? Try it! Take a minute and think of 5 things that you are grateful for in your life and don’t forget to tell someone!

Aside from the significant things, I am also thankful for fabulous meals. Who isn’t right?

I like to take at least one day during the week to take an actual break from my desk and get out. Since I had no meetings or trainings today, I thought it would be great day to come home and have a “real” lunch.

I heated up Amy’s Organic Spinach Pocket (LOVE THESE!!!!) with a side of some leftover panzenella from last night. Also enjoyed a few sweet orange slices and some of the sweetest red gapes I have had all year.

Such a great balanced meal! I was stuffed though, but a good kind of stuffed.

After work, Jillian was calling my name. I just love her 20 min Shred workouts. I did level 2, but I do admit, these are getting significantly easier after I’ve been doing them for months. Guess it’s time to up the weights maybe?

Dinner was next on the agenda. And in case you didn’t realize, it’s Wednesday, and you all know what that means….BFD in our household.

I tried something a little new for BFD. Strata’s!

I couldn’t come up with any fathomable reason why Toly would not enjoy these…bread, egg, and cheese…three of his favorite foods on this earth.

Mine was a vegetable strata consisting of butternut squash, zucchini, sundried tomatoes, artichokes, mushrooms, and spinach. With feta, can’t forget that!

These were incredibly easy to make. All you do is cube some fresh bread (I used Organic Whole Wheat) and toast them for a few min. I sautéed the veggies for a couple of min and while they cooked, I combined the eggs, milk, Dijon , fresh basil and rosemary. Then you take the bread, put them in a large bowl, add the veggies, and then the egg mixture and combine. Oh and the feta, can’t forget the feta. Place in a baking dish and bake at 350 for about 20 min.

Mix everything together...

And bake....

Toly had bacon, tomato and cheese...

On the side, peaches, pineapple and blackberries heated with some brown sugar and agave.

Super easy and super delicious!

Another BFD success and another thing I am thankful for. BFD’s are the highlights of our week and both Toly and I thank the Lord for breakfast meals! :)

Hope you all had a marvelous day! Remember to think about 5 things you are thankful for and do share with the rest of the world. Trust me, they want to hear….

Night beautiful people.


  1. I am thankful for your post! :)

    What a great reminder to all of us to look at what we are blessed with. Thanks, doll!

  2. Aww, what a happy post! I love your thankful list. I'm thankful for:
    1) My family. I'm so lucky to have a great relationship with them, and to be able to enjoy the summer with them. They are so supportive too, and have totally helped me through all the stress of deciding to change me major. They just want me to be happy, and I love them so much.

    2) My health. Even though I'm still recovering from surgery and it's disappointing I can't do all the things I want (like run or workout!), I'm lucky to have a strong, able body that's handling the surgery well. And at least I can still go on walks :)

    3) I'm thankful that I've decided to follow my dream and go after getting a kinesiology degree. I think I'll be a lot happier at school :)

    4) My new apartment! I used to live at party central, and it was totally not my style. I was miserable there. But now I found a quaint, quiet apartment with a super sweet landlady in a beautiful little location--and a great price, too!

    5) The blogging world! I've met so many kind people and have gotten great ideas for recipes and new products. It's such a great community :)

    Your BFD looks delicious! I especially love that yummy fruit side.

    Have a lovely night!

  3. What a beautiful, uplifting post (and the freaking amazing food helped)!
    I am thankful for the time I spent with my mom today...for the beautiful weather today...for the new shoes I bought today...for everything, good or bad, that happened to me to form the person (still flawed, but happy) I am today...:-)

  4. I agree! I'm extremely thankful and blessed for those same five things in my own life ... I'm just thankful for life and I agree, especially in these wonderful summer months : )

  5. I think your 5 things are really cool.

    Um, strata's rock and I need to make one asap!

    Do you have an exact recipe you could email me, doll?

  6. I LOVE your thankful post - it's true, I think I can say the same!

    Your frittata and fruit dinner is fabulous - I LOVE breakfast for dinner!

  7. The weather certainly was gorgeous today - finally!

    I have so much to be thankful for, and you're right that it's important to recognize those people/things. Thanks for the reminder ;).

    The strata you made looks great! What a yummy BFD alternative.

  8. BFD! Best ideaaa :D I think I'm going to incorporate a BFEM (breakfast for every meal) day every week. Breakfast is seriously my favorite meal.

    Much like a yawn being thankful is contagious :) I love this post.
